The Benefits of Ionized Air: How Negative Air Ionizers Improve Air Quality and Health and Reduce Depression Symptoms

Negative air ionizers are a type of air purification device used to improve air quality & health. Studies have shown they can reduce symptoms of depression & improve mood by releasing negative ions into the environment.

The Benefits of Ionized Air: How Negative Air Ionizers Improve Air Quality and Health and Reduce Depression Symptoms

Air ionizers are a type of air purification device that use ions to remove particles, microbes, and odors from the air. They are commonly used in personal and commercial spaces to improve air quality and health, especially for people with allergies, asthma, and other airway-related diseases. Ionizers expel negative ions that cause particles to adhere to surfaces, making them less likely to be inhaled. However, they are not as effective at eliminating particles as other air purifiers, as most ionizers are too weak to take effect. Negative air ionizers have been around for many years and scientists have long assumed that they provide overall health benefits.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been installing ionizers in offices and restaurants. Popular ionizing air purifiers, such as the Ionic Pro Air Purifier and Clarifion Air Purifier, are widely sold under various names, such as “ion air purifiers”, “negative ion air purifiers”, “air ionizers” and “needle tip bipolar ionization”.Behavioral scientists are increasingly interested in understanding the effects of negative air ionization on mood and depression. A study by the Columbia group compared daily exposure to ionized air with intense phototherapy to treat chronic depression, a serious condition that persists for years and is often resistant to antidepressants. Comparing the antidepressant response with the naturalistic simulation of dawn and negative air ionization for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder, using phototherapy as a reference condition, it was concluded that both tools have antidepressant effects that could be considered possible “alternatives” to bright light or medications. A study that combined bright light therapy at different times of the day with low or high density negative air ionization found that people in the group who used bright light therapy in the morning along with high density negative air ionization showed the greatest improvement in SAD symptoms.

Curiously, another study found that people with a morning chronotype benefited the most from negative air ionization at high density. It was concluded that negative air ionization improved the symptoms of both seasonal and chronic depression, and that when ionizers produced greater performance, it was also better to purify the air from smaller particles. In summary, scientific tests carried out with air purifiers revealed that most air ionizers have no discernible effect on particle levels. However, they can still provide overall health benefits by improving mood and reducing depression symptoms similar to those of antidepressants. Negative air ionizers can be an effective tool for improving mental health. They can help reduce symptoms of depression by providing a naturalistic simulation of dawn and releasing negative ions into the environment.

Additionally, studies have shown that people with a morning chronotype benefit more from high density negative air ionization than those with an evening chronotype. Finally, while most air ionizers do not have a discernible effect on particle levels, they can still provide overall health benefits by improving mood and reducing depression symptoms similar to those of antidepressants.

Harriet Fabros
Harriet Fabros

Friendly coffee fan. Passionate travel practitioner. Devoted reader. Passionate coffee expert. Extreme pop culture expert.

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