Which Air Purifiers Don't Produce Ozone? - An Expert's Guide

As an expert in this field I recommend staying away from ozone generators & avoiding purely electrostatic ionizers & precipitators. Learn more about which ozone free air purifiers are best for large rooms.

Which Air Purifiers Don't Produce Ozone? - An Expert's Guide

The Okaysou Apollo 718 is a large and sturdy air purifier, designed to cover as much area as possible. It has a glossy white case with a rectangular profile and rounded corners, and the entrance grilles are located just behind the front panel. Clean air is released through the vents at the top of the housing, and as long as the intake and exhaust vents aren't clogged, you'll get excellent air flow and distribution. So which of these ozone-free air purifiers for large rooms is the best of the bunch? Here's what we found. The Okaysou Apollo 718 has 800 square feet of coverage, enough for the needs of most people.

Its HEPA 13 filter is extremely powerful and all three stages can be replaced separately. We also liked the ultra-quiet sleep mode, which is quieter than most purifiers with similar functions. Air purifiers that use UV light to kill microorganisms (also known as UVGI, UV germicidal irradiation) only work against certain species, but more importantly, they may also have a hidden danger. Small household UV-C air purifiers use a fan to pass air through the purifiers, where contaminants are briefly exposed to UV light as they pass through them.

The hidden danger does not come from radiation (although care must be taken when using UV-C light). The danger comes from oxygen particles that are broken up by high-energy UV-C light, which then combine again with other oxygen atoms to form ozone. Therefore, UV-C air purifiers are not ozone-free. Not only do they produce ozone, but they are not very effective in a residential environment. While studies have shown that high-energy UV light kills bacteria, viruses, and some mold spores, to do so effectively requires very high-intensity UV light and long-term exposure.

Therefore, these units offer neither the intensity nor the duration necessary to be truly effective. In addition, they do nothing to remove particles such as dust from the air, so they must be combined in hybrid systems with HEPA filters.As an expert in this field, I recommend staying away from ozone generators (ozone is bad for the lungs, so there's no point in filtering air this way) and avoiding purely electrostatic ionizers and precipitators, as they can also produce ozone. Given the increase in globalization, as well as climate fires and other landscape fires in recent years, and the terrible effects these have on indoor air quality and respiratory and cardiovascular health, it is surprising that more public health officials have not emphasized the use of portable air filters. In addition to choosing household products such as carpets, mattresses and paint that do not emit polluting gases, the use of air filters in the home is a key strategy for improving indoor air quality. Following Smart Air's humble beginnings by creating an affordable DIY-ESQ fan and filter combination, the Smart Air Squair offers a simple and cost-effective air purification solution that works excellently in medium-sized spaces between 150 and 430 square feet. And finally, if you're not sure if you need an air purifier, consider investing in a home air quality monitor.

Basically, if you're buying an air filter or air purifier, opt for a HEPA system, either a standalone unit or a filter that works with your current HVAC. In addition to this somewhat complicated solution for air purification, ionizers have the same ozone generation problems as electrostatic precipitation air purifiers. The Smart Air S is an excellent choice for design-savvy owners looking for a practical and efficient way to improve indoor air quality. In addition, without a proper coating, the UV lamps used in PCO air purifiers can create ozone, just like UV-C air purifiers. Many of the ionizers used by companies such as Blueair, Coway and others use mild ionization functions to improve the air cleaning performance of the HEPA filter.

But we still know that some people are sensitive to any level of ionization, so we created this list of units of which we can say that at 100% all air purifiers will create zero ozone. The CADR is a measure of the volume of clean air an air purifier produces when it is operating at its top level. Sometimes, air purification methods produce ozone as a by-product or even use ozone as the primary method of cleaning the air. If you're looking for an attractive air filter and you're on a tight budget, or if you're simply looking for an air purifier to help you while working from home, the Blueair Blue Pure 211+ is a great choice. In a study that was carried out over three or four seasons, researchers installed independent air filters and window air conditioners in the rooms of more than one hundred children with asthma and then monitored indoor air quality.

Harriet Fabros
Harriet Fabros

Friendly coffee fan. Passionate travel practitioner. Devoted reader. Passionate coffee expert. Extreme pop culture expert.

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